Monday, July 26, 2010

An Open Letter to Begging Vagrants

Dear Begging Vagrants,

Let me just say, first of all, that it's fine for you to ask me if I have any spare change. Most of the time I don't, because I usually pay for things with credit and debit cards (an invention you obviously know nothing about). But if I do, I'm happy to toss it in your general direction.

What I do not appreciate, however, is your asking me if I have spare change twice within ten minutes, when I walk past you again in the other direction. Have a little awareness, you know what I mean? Don't treat me like a faceless benefactor. Make me believe that when you're asking me for my money, you're actually looking at me and seeing me and will remember me.

When you just monotonously request my spare coinage like a robot, you are devaluing my overall impression of all begging vagrants everywhere, and I will be less inclined to give my trinkets to any of you. You're ruining it for everyone.

Then again, maybe your lack of decorum is the reason you're asking normal people for money in the first place.



1 comment:

  1. Obviously the vagrants could care less about your kvetch. Perhaps the city officials should give them some job like cleaning the streets and create a win-win scenario.
