Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hats Off

I was just watching the ESPYs, which featured appearances by country music singers Clint Black and Kenny Chesney. Is it some sort of law within the music industry that every country music singer must wear a cowboy hat at all times? It occurred to me just now that I have never once seen a male country singer not donning one.

Johnny Cash doesn't count. I'm talking about the modern day, twangy-voiced country-western star. The Garth Brookses, the Alan Jacksons, the Toby Keiths. Everywhere they go, every concert, every awards show appearance, you can bet the farm on it - these guys will be wearing cowboy hats. Christ, even when Clint Black was on Celebrity Apprentice, he never took off that ten gallon.

It is the cliche of all cliches. Come on you huckleberries, one of you step up and be original. Try not wearing the cowboy hat, just one time, just to see how it feels. Not every rapper wears a sideways Raiders cap. Not every rock star rocks a Bret Michaels bandana. I'll bet Pavarotti takes off the tux before he pops into IHOP for some Sunday pancakes.

We get it. Y'all are cowboys. None of that will change. But hell, even John Wayne showed his locks off every once in awhile.


  1. The cowboys probably all need some Rogaine!

  2. i also consider this artical is so nice
