Monday, June 4, 2012

God Bless America

I just got off the phone with someone (I won't say who, so as to spare them the humiliation when they eventually come to their senses) after one of our patented political diatribes. "They" are conservative; I am liberal. For the most part, I am a supporter of our president, or any president, for that matter. "They" sincerely believe our president is working hard to bring this country to its knees. In other words, Obama is some sort of treasonous double agent who we're all just sitting around and passively allowing to destroy our American way of life.

Look, I like politics. It's interesting; it's filled with spirited disagreements and so forth. But at some point, we should recognize that we're all on the same side. We have to be able to talk about the president, and that he passed health care, or did that shit in Libya, or how the economy still sucks, or whatever...without it being like we're all just blindly just rooting for or against someone. Because at that point, there's nothing that separates us from Red Sox fans.

"Jeter sucks bro! Jeter sucks!!!"

Is that how you really want to sound?


  1. If you want the unbiased story on Obama, read the book "The Amateur" written by a NY Times writer so you know it isn't coming from a conservative viewpoint. Obama's main flaw is he doesn't know what he doesn't know!

    1. I respect the office of the president but we have one arrogant SOB right now!
