Friday, October 30, 2009

LA, You've Gone Too Far

Just got back from a morning constitutional up on Runyon Canyon, the popular hiking trail near my place, where I witnessed a new standard in pet wardrobe weirdness: two small dogs wearing dog-sized Snuggies. That's right. You can now buy Snuggies for dogs. I know they were Snuggies because I lowered my sunglasses so as to allow my eyeballs to pop out of my face and read the label on the miniature blanket with sleeves. It said "Snuggie."

Don't get me wrong, I actually like the Snuggie. I don't have one myself, but I've been tempted to purchase one over the phone, when the ad comes on TV late at night and my judgement is a bit clouded by a coocktail or two. They actually look pretty comfortable, and their commercials are hilarious. But only because of how ridiculous they are. Nobody actually wears Snuggies to the movies or baseball games. If they did, they might very well be institutionalized by their loved ones.

Which is why the dog Snuggie is just too much. In LA people do all sorts of weird things to their dogs: dye their fur, dress them in sweaters and shoes, etc. One time when I worked briefly as a dog walker years ago I had to walk a huge white dog that was wearing a white tank top that said "#1 Bitch" in pink letters (that was a fun day). But a blanket with sleeves? That's just going out of your way to show how bizarre you can be.

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