Monday, October 19, 2009

Americans in Financial Hole

Has anyone else seen this one second television commercial? It usually comes on during football games. It is literally just a one second shot of someone reading a newspaper that has the massive headline "Americans in Financial Hole."

At first I thought it was a programming glitch, like when you start to see the beginning of a commercial but then it cuts back to the game you were watching because someone realized there wasn't enough time to show the whole thing without missing some of the action. But I've seen this spot about a half dozen times now, and that's all it is - a quick shot of a guy reading a newspaper with this weird headline, sandwiched in between two other commercials.

There's no product being advertised. Seems like it's just a subliminal message designed to make us feel even worse about the economy than we already do - and while we're trying to relax and watch our escapist entertainment, no less. So what I want to know is, who's the jerk responsible for this Debbie Downerism?

My money's on the Republicans. Maybe it's Rush Limbaugh. He's taking the money he was going to use to buy the Rams and spending it on bumming out the NFL fans he won't have the opportunity to rule over.

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