Saturday, June 11, 2011


A whole new city. A whole new world of bullshit I never imagined having to deal with before.

My first day here, I bought a mattress. Imperative to buying a mattress in New York City, the salesman told me, is also buying a mattress cover, to prevent being infested by bedbugs. Interesting. That's something I never thought about in LA.

So I buy the mattress cover for an extra 100+ dollars. Fine. When the delivery guy comes, he tells me I have to wash it first. Fine again. I take it down to the laundry room in my building.

Here's where shit starts getting annoying. When I lived in an apartment building in West Hollywood eight years ago, it cost me 75 cents to do my laundry. Now it costs $2.75. Thanks, Obama. But the machine doesn't even take money. It only accepts a prepaid laundry card that I have to get from a machine on the wall.

Not only do I have to load money onto this card in advance to do my laundry, I also have to pay for the card itself, which costs four dollars. I actually have to pay $4 just to simply earn the right to do my laundry in my apartment building.

And even that alone would only be a giant scam I could go about my day cursing under my breath...except the machine only takes ten dollar bills for the purposes of buying this sacred laundry card.

That's right. It accepts ones, fives and twenties if you want to add money to the card...but only tens to buy the card. I stare at the instructions on the machine, flabbergasted.

Since ten dollar bills are the rarest of all American currency, next to Sacajawea dollar coins, I did not have one on me. So that meant I had to go out into the city, into a grocery store, ask for change for a twenty, get denied because the girl couldn't figure out how to open her register without me making a purchase, wait behind someone else in another line, ask that cashier to break the twenty............................kjsbfsjkdbjkbgjdwo4utiOWUI4T0.........

It all turned into a blurry haze. I understand now why people in New York are so busy. Even the littlest things here take the most maximum effort.


  1. I have a headache from just reading your post. My condolences. Here's wishing you a bedbug free and more tranquil rest of your first week in NYC!

  2. Feel the energy yet?
