Sunday, August 15, 2010


I was just down at Ralphs, in mid-order on a turkey sandwich at the deli counter, when I looked down to my right and saw this.

That's right. A dead fucking rat, just laying on the floor. Of a grocery store. The place where you buy food that you put in your mouth.

It's hard to say if I've ever been more grossed out than I was when I saw this. Maybe if I had vomited on the rat, that would have been grosser. But as it was, my gut reaction was just to start laughing hysterically at the absurdity of the grossness of what I was looking at. Which was followed shortly by the instinct to take a picture of it with my BlackBerry.

Come on, Ralphs. This is America. It's 2010. The Plague was centuries ago in Europe. I shouldn't have to tap dance around dead vermin while ordering food. Let's set the bar a little higher, huh?

Epilogue: Yes, I did still get that sandwich, and yes, it was delicious.

1 comment:

  1. Obviously,the rat is Ralph's entry into their organic food product line.
