Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I Am Now an Official Twit

Well, I did something else I thought I would never do...joined Twitter. I've always viewed Twitter as kind of a pansyish cousin to Facebook status updates, serving little purpose other than a way for junior high girls to instantly learn what kind of coffee their favorite Twilight stars are drinking.

But, in my defense, I have not joined as myself, but as my alias, yours truly, Kaptain Kvetch. I figure this way I can blast my more minor irritations out to the universe, the ones undeserving of a full blog post, and maybe scoop up some more readers in the process.

So, I just twatted my first tweet, or whatever the lingo is in the Twitterverse, in which I pose the question: what do I call these? Kveets? Twetches? Suggestions, anyone?

Anyway, if you're a fellow twit, go ahead and start following me @KaptainKvetch.

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