Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Last night on national television, you had game two of baseball's National League Championship Series that featured a pretty controversial play. You also had a historic Monday Night Football game, with an epic comeback by one of the best quarterbacks of all time.

So what does today's 9AM SportsCenter go with as their top story? Fifteen minutes of a live press conference of Eagles head coach Andy Reid talking about how Philly fired their defensive coordinator. That's right, a guy you never heard of lost his job on a 3-3 football team. Man, can't wait to hear all about that.

Look, ESPN - you have to realize, not everyone is an unemployed screenwriter who has nothing to do but watch sports highlights all morning in their underwear. I mean, I am, but I imagine other people might only have a few minutes in the morning to catch up on the important happenings of the previous night before they trudge off to the dropout factories. What do you reckon the percentage is of these swing-vote middle classers who give a flying fuck about a defensive coordinator getting fired? Four? Maybe five percent? Gotta be around there.

SportsCenter used to be appointment television for sports fans. Lately it's shot right past hiply-snarky and is dangerously approaching TMZ-level annoying. This summer, all I heard about was how Mark Sanchez was reacting to the smell of Tim Tebow taking a dump in his private bathroom. Stop pandering to Jets and Eagles fans as if the rest of the country cares about mediocre big market teams, and go back to practicing legitimate sports journalism.

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