Thursday, July 26, 2012

Movie Night

I don't like how some DVDs just start playing the movie automatically when you put them in. It's a little unsettling. I feel rushed. It's like if you bring a woman home and she just starts undressing, without any kind of prompt whatsoever. Let me look at the title screen for a second, get myself oriented. Decide if we're going widescreen or full. Maybe there are some special features I want to check out. Maybe it's a bloopers & outtakes kind of night. Maybe I just want to select my favorite scene and fast forward right to it, cutting out the arduous setup and obligatory, overproduced climax, with all the special effects and cheesy wrap-up dialogue.

We're still talking about the movie, right?


  1. Have you ever taken a woman home who undressed without any prompting? Is the ratio of immediate undressers to those who require prompting about the same as DVDs that just start playing to those that have a title screen?

    1. It actually never happens. But I imagine it would be weird.
