Monday, May 2, 2011

My Thoughts on One of the More Significant Developments of Our Time, Without Trying to be Funny

This is all very bizarre. Never in my life have I ever witnessed such mass jubilation over the death of a human. Obviously I'm extremely psyched about this development; it's a pretty sweet victory for the good ol' US of A. It's just kind of interesting.

I mean, you must be a pretty bad guy to have throngs of people in the streets of America, crying with joy and singing songs as a result of your demise. Bin Laden was responsible for the murder of thousands of people. And yet he was so up front, so deliberate about it, that I have to think he really believed what he was doing was right. He must actually have thought he was doing the right thing.

Just like Hitler. Or Jared Loughner. Or anybody who's batshit crazy but has a surprisingly productive psychosis and wants to get some shit done.

Well, I'm happy we still have people we can call on to take care of business. This is the kind of thing Batman would have done if he was real.

Adios, asshole.

1 comment:

  1. He was denied due process of law-why wasn't he tried like KSM is eventually going to be?
