Friday, October 9, 2009

Nobel Peace Cries

I'm not terribly political, nor do I particularly enjoy when whiners like me start spouting off about politics, the government, foreign affairs, etc, like they know how to run the country better than the people who are actually doing it. But the conservative backlash over President Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize is pretty disturbing.

Look, I don't think he particularly deserved it either. You shouldn't win awards for stuff you say you're going to do, but haven't actually done yet. That being said...he is our president. He was elected by a majority of the country to lead us, and whoever determines who to give this award to decided to give it to our guy. Shouldn't we as Americans be proud of that, as opposed to using it as just another opportunity to criticize him?

But no. The right has totally thrown away any intention of getting behind Obama. On anything. It's absurd, disappointing and a little frightening. Rush Limbaugh called his winning the award a "greater embarrassment" for America than not getting the 2016 Olympics. Which, by the way, right wingers were also rooting against getting, simply so they could rejoice in another failure of their president. These are also the same people who were outraged over Obama delivering the highly socialist message to America's children to stay in school and work hard.

Look, conservatives: I know you didn't vote for the guy. But he won, fair and square, and he's in charge of running the country for the next 3+ years. Rooting for him to fail at everything just so you can replace him with Mitt Romney in 2012 and have your taxes lowered slightly is idiotic and unpatriotic. You guys are like Colts fans screaming in anger that Peyton Manning got voted to the Pro Bowl after having an off year. Just shut up and support your fucking team once in awhile.

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