Sunday, August 8, 2010

Non-Baseball Fans, Please Disregard

If I may take a moment to indulge my frustrations with my long-suffering baseball team...

Dear Bruce Bochy,

If you haven't noticed, your team is in the middle of a pennant race. You're one game out of first place. You're playing against a very good team on the road, trying to salvage a split of a four game series. Might I make the outrageous suggestion of PUTTING YOUR BEST PLAYER IN THE LINEUP.

Especially because your team has ZERO OFFENSE WITHOUT HIM.

And also because his backup SUCKS WORSE THAN A WHORE WITHOUT A MOUTH.

In case you don't know who I'm referring to: BUSTER "FUCKING" POSEY.

I know I don't have a degree in baseball managing from the University of Sitting on Your Stupid Fat Ass, but it just seems like common sense to start the guys who are good at the sport that you're supposedly knowledgable enough of to run an entire team. As opposed to, you know, the guys who are bad at it. But what do I know.

Go Giants,


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