Thursday, June 3, 2010


If you had told me when I woke up this morning that I would be writing two separate nut-related kvetches on the same day, I would have said "You're NUTS!!!!" Then, after you had stopped groaning, this would have happened...

I was just down at Ralph's again, picking up a few sundries. Because I was running low thanks to the exploits described earlier today, a fresh can of nuts was on my list. Last on my list, to be exact. So after I had gotten everything I needed, I went over to the nut aisle.

There I happened upon kind of a strange scene: a rotund man with a mustache was speaking to two homely women, one of whom was filming him with a video camera. I couldn't quite understand what they were doing. The man was holding up different products and seemed to be describing them, trying to be humorous, but I wasn't really paying attention, because the three of them were standing right in front of all the nuts.

I didn't want to be the guy who interrupted whatever inane folly they were filming, especially because it wasn't going to be a quick in-n-out type of deal. I wasn't quite sure what kind of nuts I wanted. I needed to peruse the nut selection, and there was no way I could do that given this stupid scenario.

I waited for a couple moments, trying to be inconspicuous. Then I walked down another aisle, killing thirty seconds looking at products I didn't need, before wandering back to the nut section. These yahoos were still doing their schtick, not budging from where they were hogging the nuttery. There was no telling how long they would be there.

So in the end, I gave up. I went to the check out line, glancing back one last time while cursing my unfortunate timing to go get my precious nuts at the exact time something so random and unexplained would prevent me from acquiring them.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, nuts.

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