Thursday, November 12, 2009

Attention Craigslist and Ticketmaster...

...and any other websites that require me to write the words I see on the screen in the box below to proceed: in order for me to correctly copy these words, they must be somewhat legible. I have no idea what this process proves to you, why correctly copying a meaningless word qualifies me to buy tickets or post an ad trying to sell a camera. But when you make it impossible to do so by presenting to me a "word" that just looks like an ink smudge with a couple dots above it, you defeat your own purpose. When I have to sit for minutes on end, debating if the symbol I'm looking at is a lowercase "g" or part of the uppercase "H" that preceded it, and then am told I'm wrong and have to start all over, the system has broken down. I have a pretty handy mastery of the English language. I can certainly copy words. Don't try and make me feel stupid for doing it wrong when you're the ones who can't present the material properly. Harumph.


  1. Good old could devote a whole website to the silly combinations that they come up with...once I swear I got one that said "Sluttie Boy" when trying to include a link on Facebook. Not sure what Facebook knew but glad I got the message...
